在英国人比得梅尔笔下的【普罗旺斯】(Provence, France) 已不再是一个单纯的地域名称,它更代表了一种简单无忧、轻松慵懒的生活方式,一种 “宠辱不惊,看庭前花开花落;去留无意,望天上云卷云舒” 的闲适意境。
薰衣草 (Lavender),这种花语为 “等待爱情” 的紫色小花,不知迷倒了多少人。徜徉在一望无际的薰衣草花田中,轻嗅着空气中甜甜的紫色味道,感受着走在法国《普罗旺斯》的悠闲与美好,一起「紫说浪漫」.... 在那里,将与最自由的生命和爱邂逅!
Lavender is a big deal in Provence. In fact, lavender has even been described as the “soul” of Provence. Not only are the smells powerful, evoking strong and peaceful memories, but the natural beauty remains untouched and surreal.
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Guardian of Beaute
Since 13.09.2014